1、YZ series motors adopt full pressure direct starting, but YZR series motor needs to serial-in external resistance in rotor circuit for starting so as to limit starting current. The starting current limits shall not be larger than twice of corresponding duty rated current. When the rotor winding of the winding rotor motor is short circuit, it is prohibited to take it as cage type motor for usage.
2、The specifications for all rheostats, starter, or controller shall conform to the requirements of the motor.
3、If cooling media temperature is more than specified value, effective measures shall be taken to reduce output and temperature to avoid damaging due to overheating of the motor.
4、The motor shall not be used in environment having flammable gas, chemical corrosion or other harmful gas.
5、The motor must often be kept clean, air inlet and air duct must be smooth to ensure normal running.
6、During running, inspection window of the collector ring and cover plate of the junction box must be covered well, unused outlet shall be plugged to prevent from moisture, grease, dirty, power and other abnormal materials entering into inside of the motor.
7、During running of the motor, if any abnormal noise, vibration, overheating or burning smell and other abnormal phenomena are found, it must be stopped to check, do not continue to use prior to finding out or eliminating faulty.
8、During usage of the motor, relevant instrument reading shall be noted and recorded frequently. Running time, maintenance result and faulty treatment shall be recorded well for future reference.
9、Bearing lubricant grease shall be changed per each six months so that the bearing can be used normally. During changing period, residual grease shall be removed, and bearing, bearing cover, bearing chamber shall be cleaned; the new grease shall be added to 2/3 of the bearing chamber as proper. It is recommended to adopt ZL3 lithium base grease.
10、Collector ring and brush for YZR series motor shall be carefully checked frequently. Surface of the collector ring shall be smooth without oil dirty. If burned trace is found, it shall be removed immediately by fine glass yarn paper; if significant groove is found, it shall be threaded to smooth. Brush frame shall be fixed on the end cover firmly, and the brush shall be able to free move without blocking in the brush holder.
11、Pressure required by the brush is about average 200g/cm2, and the brush shall be replaced if chipped or wear height has reached 2/3 of original height. When the new brush is installed, glass paper must be used to grind it till brush curvature and ring curvature are equal and actual contact area of the brush and the ring is not less than 1/3 of the brush section.
12、According to actual usage conditions, the motor shall be checked regularly to ensure normal running of the motor, and once overhaul shall be made per year.
13、When the motor is laid idle in warehouse, it shall be properly packaged and stored, the warehouse shall keep dry and ventilated, the stored motor shall be checked regularly to see if there is any moisture, rust-occurring and grease hardening, deterioration and other circumstances so as to improve storing conditions in time.