1、YZR and YZ series are newly designed motors, which is featured as high overload and mechanical strength, it apply to drive each type of lifting, metallurgical and mechanical or other similar equipment. YZR series are winding rotor motors, and YZ series are cage type motors. YZR series are in compliance with product standard JB/T10105-1999, and YZ series are in compliance with product standard JB/T10104-1999.
2、The motor can conduct normal running under following environment conditions.
2.Cooling media temperature is not more than 60℃ (Grade H insulation motor) or 40℃ (Grade F insulation motor)
2.2、Amplitude is not more than 1000M;
2.3、Frequent and significant mechanical vibration and impact
3、YZR-TH and YZ-TH series are derivatives for wet tropical zone, its winding and surface protection layer are performed special impregnation and treatment, in addition to the stipulations in the provision 2, it also can conduct normal running under following environment.
3.1、When 25℃, the maximum air relative humidity is 95%;
3.2、Have condensation and mould.
4、The motor can conduct normal running under following loading conditions.
4.1、Frequent starting and revising;
4.2、Frequent electrical or mechanical braking
5、Frequency and voltage
The motor has rated frequency 50HZ and rated voltage 380V; rated frequency of the motor also can be 60Hz, its corresponding rated voltage is 440V or 380V.
6、Temperature rising upper bound
See Table 1 for each heating part temperature rising value of the motor
Table 1
Heating part of the motor
Grade F insulation
Grade H insulation
Winding temperature rising (resistance method)
JC0141 JC0151
Collector ring temperature rising (thermometer method)
Note: The maximum allowable temperature (thermometer method) is 95℃ (Grade F) and 115℃ (Grade H) respectively.
